Where the world of Metaverse becomes Real

Brian Solis believes in new market ideas and innovations for Web 3.0

Brian Solis believes that Web 3.0 will demand new market strategies and executives have to ponder upon inventions considering the changing world and customers. Web 3.0’s primary concerns will be identity, decentralisation, trust, and the virtual world, which needs to be dealt with new market methods rather than the traditional ones. According to him, leaders have to start questioning the ways digital innovation can be introduced rather than just digitising the traditional methods, as the metaverse will bring forward a different kind of experience not only for executives but also for customers. He called it the Control-alt-del moment in which for a future virtual business, one cannot look at the market ideas of 1950s businesses, and this is where opportunity for businesses lies to progress. Moreover, he argues that there are numerous opportunities for companies to grow as the giants of Web3.0 are yet to emerge and in the future the value will be visible. 

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