Blockchain and IoT are two critical technologies for the future of technology, enabling effective information exchange across machines and gadgets. IoT’s most notable advantage is its capacity to improve user experience and deliver tailored services. The “Digital Avatar” design concept employs the tools and qualities of the game production engine to generate high-fidelity avatars with attributes similar to those of humans. Unreal Engine 5 is a well-known game development firm that has expressed interest in the concept and provided the necessary resources to help it expand. The development and creation of digital avatars are expected to initially bring about revolutionary advancements in the entertainment and media industries, but technology will eventually bring about dramatic breakthroughs across many IT disciplines. Avatars will play an important part in the metaverse, increasing realism and creating an extremely realistic experience. Unreal Engine took advantage of the opportunity to bring the attention of tech enthusiasts to their most current digital avatar construction tool, Meta Human Creator.